Rutland Chiropractic and Laser Clinic
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Chiropractic Treatment
Rhiannon has been helping her Chiropractic patients reduce their pain and regain their health and wellbeing since 1987.
The McTimoney Chiropractic method, is recognised as being a gentle, precise, whole body approach to Chiropractic care.
The purpose of the treatment is to improve skeletal and joint alignment using accurate, low force adjustments where appropriate. This helps the spine to balance more effectively, the nervous system to function more efficiently, which relieves discomfort and pain and increases mobility for the patient.
Frequently postural maintenance exercises are prescribed along with lifestyle and ergonomic advice to help patients maintain their corrected alignment.
McTimoney Chiropractic is a suitable treatment strategy for all ages - babies to golden age!
Contact us today to learn how our exceptional Chiropractic Clinic can help you feel like yourself once more.
Clinic Hours
We’re Here When You Need Us
Late night clinics are on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Contact Us
Top Lodge
10 Top Street
LE15 8SE
T: 01572 737868 M: 07802 514404